Horoz Lojistik Kargo Hizmetleri Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi (HOROZ.IS)

TRY 57.3


Annual Income Statements

(In TRY)
Breakdown 2023 2022 2021
Revenue 5.45 Billion 4.08 Billion 3.43 Billion
Cost of Revenue 4.96 Billion 3.8 Billion 3.28 Billion
Gross Profit 484.1 Million 284.61 Million 150.88 Million
Operating Expenses 538.1 Million 256 Million 251.23 Million
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 76.21 Million 37.28 Million 31.65 Million
Research and Development Expenses - - -
Other Expenses 461.88 Million - -
Cost and Expenses 5.5 Billion 4.06 Billion 3.53 Billion
Operating Income -53.99 Million 6.53 Million -134.42 Million
Interest Expense 279.8 Million 257.82 Million 209.78 Million
Income Tax Expense 68.35 Million 14.06 Million -33.7 Million
Earnings before Tax 204.59 Million 317.99 Million 244.53 Million
Net Income 136.4 Million 305.2 Million 279.16 Million
Earnings Per Share Basic 1.51 3.37 3.09
Earnings Per Share Diluted 1.51 3.37 3.09
Weighted Average Shares Outstanding 90.48 Million 90.48 Million 90.48 Million
Weighted Average Shares Outstanding (Diluted) 90.48 Million 90.48 Million 90.48 Million
Gross Margin 0.09 0.07 0.04
EBIT Margin 0.10 0.16 0.14
Profit Margin 0.03 0.07 0.08
EBITDA 526.22 Million 601.16 Million 490.25 Million
Earnings Before Tax Margin -0.01 0.00 -0.04

Income Statement Charts