USD 0.0
Breakdown | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Total Assets | 1.12 Million | 883.33 Thousand | 886.88 Thousand | 2.72 Million | 3.7 Million | 4.52 Million |
Total Current Assets | 755.29 Thousand | 471.42 Thousand | 157.74 Thousand | 137.74 Thousand | 212.91 Thousand | 129.25 Thousand |
Cash And Short Term Investments | 3683.00 | 54.9 Thousand | 26.25 Thousand | 1304.00 | 147.52 Thousand | 86.79 Thousand |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 3683.00 | 54.9 Thousand | 26.25 Thousand | 1304.00 | 147.52 Thousand | 86.79 Thousand |
Short Term Investments | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Net Receivables | 14.9 Thousand | 81.49 Thousand | 4728.00 | 37.14 Thousand | 33.58 Thousand | 40.09 Thousand |
Inventory | 736.7 Thousand | 205.13 Thousand | 116.63 Thousand | 86.94 Thousand | 1.00 | -1.00 |
Other Current Assets | - | 129.88 Thousand | 10.12 Thousand | 12.35 Thousand | 31.8 Thousand | 2366.00 |
Total Non-Current Assets | 370.68 Thousand | 411.91 Thousand | 729.14 Thousand | 2.59 Million | 3.49 Million | 4.39 Million |
Net PPE | - | - | 295.79 Thousand | 2.11 Million | 2.99 Million | 3.87 Million |
Good Will And Intangible Assets | 367.1 Thousand | 391.87 Thousand | 430.75 Thousand | 472.75 Thousand | 493.1 Thousand | 518.3 Thousand |
Good Will | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Intangible Assets | 367.1 Thousand | 391.87 Thousand | 430.75 Thousand | 472.75 Thousand | 493.1 Thousand | 518.3 Thousand |
Long-Term Investments | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Tax Assets | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Non Current Assets | 3587.00 | 20.03 Thousand | 2599.00 | 3252.00 | 2563.00 | 2500.00 |
Other Assets | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Liabilities | 1.27 Million | 588.96 Thousand | 926.36 Thousand | 639.95 Thousand | 530.28 Thousand | 468.98 Thousand |
Total Current Liabilities | 1.27 Million | 588.96 Thousand | 926.36 Thousand | 639.95 Thousand | 530.28 Thousand | 468.98 Thousand |
Account Payables | 631.91 Thousand | 269.11 Thousand | 206.5 Thousand | 278.11 Thousand | 246.41 Thousand | 120.93 Thousand |
Tax Payables | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Short Term Debt | 320.4 Thousand | 159.11 Thousand | 353.15 Thousand | 331.01 Thousand | 281.61 Thousand | 320 Thousand |
Deferred Revenue | 198.07 Thousand | - | - | 1.00 | - | - |
Other Current Liabilities | 123.2 Thousand | 160.73 Thousand | 366.7 Thousand | 30.82 Thousand | 2253.00 | 28.05 Thousand |
Total Non Current Liabilities | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Long-Term Debt | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Deferred Revenue Non Current | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Deferred Tax Liabilities Non Current | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Non Current Liabilities | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Liabilities | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Equity | -147.61 Thousand | 294.37 Thousand | -39.48 Thousand | 2.08 Million | 3.17 Million | 4.05 Million |
Stock Holders Equity | -147.61 Thousand | 294.37 Thousand | -39.48 Thousand | 2.08 Million | 3.17 Million | 4.05 Million |
Common Stock | 436.96 Thousand | 178.74 Thousand | 50.78 Thousand | 47.21 Thousand | 47.87 Thousand | 39.07 Thousand |
Retained Earnings | -23.37 Million | -19.54 Million | -14.79 Million | -12.62 Million | -11.32 Million | -9.83 Million |
Accumulated other comprehensive income | 23.21 Million | 19.83 Million | 174.92 Thousand | 146.56 Thousand | 14.49 Million | 13.89 Million |
Common Stock Equity | -147.61 Thousand | 294.37 Thousand | -39.48 Thousand | 2.08 Million | 3.17 Million | 4.05 Million |
Capital Lease Obligation | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Investments | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Debt | 320.4 Thousand | 159.11 Thousand | 353.15 Thousand | 331.01 Thousand | 281.61 Thousand | 320 Thousand |
Net Debt | 316.72 Thousand | 104.2 Thousand | 326.9 Thousand | 329.71 Thousand | 134.09 Thousand | 233.21 Thousand |
Breakdown | 2023 Q1 | 2022 Q4 | 2022 FY | 2022 Q3 | 2022 Q2 | 2022 Q1 |
Total Assets | 1.12 Million | 1.12 Million | 1.12 Million | 471.71 Thousand | 1.17 Million | 1.06 Million |
Total Current Assets | 750.28 Thousand | 755.29 Thousand | 755.29 Thousand | 758.27 Thousand | 784.96 Thousand | 657.73 Thousand |
Cash And Short Term Investments | 2915.00 | 3683.00 | 3683.00 | 6069.55 | 7125.00 | 62.86 Thousand |
Cash and Cash Equivalents | 2915.00 | 3683.00 | 3683.00 | 6069.55 | 7125.00 | 62.86 Thousand |
Short Term Investments | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Net Receivables | 16.7 Thousand | 14.9 Thousand | 14.9 Thousand | 21.16 Thousand | 81.49 Thousand | 81.49 Thousand |
Inventory | 730.65 Thousand | 736.7 Thousand | 736.7 Thousand | 731.04 Thousand | 267.36 Thousand | 240.74 Thousand |
Other Current Assets | - | - | - | -0.55 | 428.98 Thousand | 272.62 Thousand |
Total Non-Current Assets | 370.68 Thousand | 370.68 Thousand | 370.68 Thousand | -286.56 Thousand | 387.26 Thousand | 406.28 Thousand |
Net PPE | - | - | - | -678.11 Thousand | - | 2362.00 |
Good Will And Intangible Assets | 367.1 Thousand | 367.1 Thousand | 367.1 Thousand | 375.63 Thousand | 367.22 Thousand | 383.88 Thousand |
Good Will | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Intangible Assets | 367.1 Thousand | 367.1 Thousand | 367.1 Thousand | 375.63 Thousand | 367.22 Thousand | 383.88 Thousand |
Long-Term Investments | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Tax Assets | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Non Current Assets | 3587.00 | 3587.00 | 3587.00 | 15.92 Thousand | 20.03 Thousand | 20.03 Thousand |
Other Assets | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Liabilities | 1.26 Million | 1.27 Million | 1.27 Million | 1.12 Million | 997.37 Thousand | 603.79 Thousand |
Total Current Liabilities | 1.26 Million | 1.27 Million | 1.27 Million | 521.07 Thousand | 997.37 Thousand | 603.79 Thousand |
Account Payables | 622.92 Thousand | 631.91 Thousand | 631.91 Thousand | 317.79 Thousand | 415.37 Thousand | 232.94 Thousand |
Tax Payables | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Short Term Debt | 321.4 Thousand | 320.4 Thousand | 320.4 Thousand | 5209.84 | 208.78 Thousand | 210.11 Thousand |
Deferred Revenue | 198.07 Thousand | 198.07 Thousand | 198.07 Thousand | 198.07 Thousand | 212.49 Thousand | - |
Other Current Liabilities | 118.08 Thousand | 123.2 Thousand | 123.2 Thousand | 0.16 | 160.73 Thousand | 160.73 Thousand |
Total Non Current Liabilities | - | - | - | 601.29 Thousand | - | - |
Long-Term Debt | - | - | - | 601.29 Thousand | - | - |
Deferred Revenue Non Current | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Deferred Tax Liabilities Non Current | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Non Current Liabilities | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Liabilities | - | - | - | 1.00 | - | - |
Total Equity | -139.51 Thousand | -147.61 Thousand | -147.61 Thousand | -650.65 Thousand | 174.84 Thousand | 460.23 Thousand |
Stock Holders Equity | -139.51 Thousand | -147.61 Thousand | -147.61 Thousand | -650.65 Thousand | 174.84 Thousand | 460.23 Thousand |
Common Stock | 436.96 Thousand | 436.96 Thousand | 436.96 Thousand | 331.21 Thousand | 334.21 Thousand | 331.21 Thousand |
Retained Earnings | -23.36 Million | -23.37 Million | -23.37 Million | -4.02 Million | -22.32 Million | -21.97 Million |
Accumulated other comprehensive income | 23.21 Million | 23.21 Million | 23.21 Million | 115.51 Thousand | 22.49 Million | 22.43 Million |
Common Stock Equity | -139.51 Thousand | -147.61 Thousand | -147.61 Thousand | -650.65 Thousand | 174.84 Thousand | 460.23 Thousand |
Capital Lease Obligation | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Investments | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Debt | 321.4 Thousand | 320.4 Thousand | 320.4 Thousand | 606.49 Thousand | 208.78 Thousand | 210.11 Thousand |
Net Debt | 318.49 Thousand | 316.72 Thousand | 316.72 Thousand | 600.42 Thousand | 201.65 Thousand | 147.24 Thousand |