PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk (LPGI.JK)

IDR 292.0


Operating Expenses Summary of PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk

  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk's latest annual operating expenses in 2023 was 193.44 Billion IDR , up 116.88% from previous year.
  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk's latest quarterly operating expenses in 2024 Q3 was 98.58 Billion IDR , up 637.31% from previous quarter.
  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk reported a annual operating expenses of -2104.45 Billion IDR in annual operating expenses 2022, down -22.29% from previous year.
  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk reported a annual operating expenses of -1720.87 Billion IDR in annual operating expenses 2021, down -41.3% from previous year.
  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk reported a quarterly operating expenses of 92.23 Billion IDR for 2024 Q2, down -27.87% from previous quarter.
  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk reported a quarterly operating expenses of 98.58 Billion IDR for 2024 Q3, up 637.31% from previous quarter.

Annual Operating Expenses Chart of PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk (2023 - 2010)

Historical Annual Operating Expenses of PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk (2023 - 2010)

Year Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Growth
2023 193.44 Billion IDR 116.88%
2022 -2104.45 Billion IDR -22.29%
2021 -1720.87 Billion IDR -41.3%
2020 -1217.88 Billion IDR -13.57%
2019 -1072.34 Billion IDR -1.66%
2018 -1054.88 Billion IDR -4.33%
2017 -1011.13 Billion IDR -2.77%
2016 -983.84 Billion IDR -7.67%
2015 -913.79 Billion IDR -26.11%
2014 -724.57 Billion IDR -30.08%
2013 -557.03 Billion IDR -44.81%
2012 -384.67 Billion IDR -27.25%
2011 -302.29 Billion IDR -20.27%
2010 -251.35 Billion IDR 0.0%

Peer Operating Expenses Comparison of PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk

Name Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Difference
PT Asuransi Multi Artha Guna Tbk 1087.3 Billion IDR 82.208%
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk 185.25 Billion IDR -4.422%
PT Asuransi Maximus Graha Persada Tbk 380.6 Billion IDR 49.173%
PT Equity Development Investment Tbk 1181.44 Billion IDR 83.626%
PT Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk 25011.62 Billion IDR 99.227%
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk 816.17 Billion IDR 76.298%