PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk (ATIC.JK)

IDR 482.0


Total Debt Summary of PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk

  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk's latest annual total debt in 2023 was 2258.92 Billion IDR , up 65.77% from previous year.
  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk's latest quarterly total debt in 2024 Q2 was 1485.64 Billion IDR , down -3.9% from previous quarter.
  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk reported annual total debt of 1362.65 Billion IDR in 2022, down -12.97% from previous year.
  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk reported annual total debt of 1565.77 Billion IDR in 2021, down -28.23% from previous year.
  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk reported quarterly total debt of 1545.87 Billion IDR for 2024 Q1, down -31.57% from previous quarter.
  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk reported quarterly total debt of 2258.92 Billion IDR for 2023 Q4, up 14.5% from previous quarter.

Annual Total Debt Chart of PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk (2023 - 2011)

Historical Annual Total Debt of PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk (2023 - 2011)

Year Total Debt Total Debt Growth
2023 2258.92 Billion IDR 65.77%
2022 1362.65 Billion IDR -12.97%
2021 1565.77 Billion IDR -28.23%
2020 2181.75 Billion IDR -3.72%
2019 2266.03 Billion IDR 10.45%
2018 2051.71 Billion IDR 47.82%
2017 1387.95 Billion IDR 32.08%
2016 1050.81 Billion IDR 22.13%
2015 860.4 Billion IDR 3.49%
2014 831.38 Billion IDR 3.73%
2013 801.51 Billion IDR 98.48%
2012 403.82 Billion IDR 65.87%
2011 243.46 Billion IDR 0.0%

Peer Total Debt Comparison of PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk

Name Total Debt Total Debt Difference
Dunia Virtual Online Tbk. - IDR -Infinity%
PT DCI Indonesia Tbk 1134.84 Billion IDR -99.051%
PT Indointernet Tbk. 541.72 Billion IDR -316.985%
PT Data Sinergitama Jaya Tbk 24.95 Billion IDR -8950.73%
PT Multipolar Technology Tbk 364.83 Billion IDR -519.162%
Mastersystem Infotama Tbk. 220.3 Billion IDR -925.349%
PT Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk 381.06 Billion IDR -492.79%
PT WIR ASIA Tbk 58.9 Billion IDR -3734.985%