Nextgen,Inc. (3842.T)

JPY 1096.0


Revenue Summary of Nextgen,Inc.

  • Nextgen,Inc.'s latest annual revenue in 2023 was 3.52 Billion JPY , up 15.37% from previous year.
  • Nextgen,Inc.'s latest quarterly revenue in 2024 Q1 was 756 Million JPY , down -33.72% from previous quarter.
  • Nextgen,Inc. reported a annual revenue of 3.05 Billion JPY in annual revenue 2022, down -18.58% from previous year.
  • Nextgen,Inc. reported a annual revenue of 3.75 Billion JPY in annual revenue 2021, down -2.93% from previous year.
  • Nextgen,Inc. reported a quarterly revenue of 853.1 Million JPY for 2023 Q2, up 14.4% from previous quarter.
  • Nextgen,Inc. reported a quarterly revenue of 1.14 Billion JPY for 2023 Q4, up 45.6% from previous quarter.

Annual Revenue Chart of Nextgen,Inc. (2023 - 2019)

Historical Annual Revenue of Nextgen,Inc. (2023 - 2019)

Year Revenue Revenue Growth
2023 3.52 Billion JPY 15.37%
2022 3.05 Billion JPY -18.58%
2021 3.75 Billion JPY -2.93%
2020 3.86 Billion JPY -0.37%
2019 3.87 Billion JPY 0.0%

Peer Revenue Comparison of Nextgen,Inc.

Name Revenue Revenue Difference
Recomm Co., Ltd. 9.51 Billion JPY 62.959%
T-Gaia Corporation 448.95 Billion JPY 99.215%
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 276.08 Billion JPY 98.724%
BroadBand Tower, Inc. 13.24 Billion JPY 73.401%
Asahi Net, Inc. 12.21 Billion JPY 71.165%
BENEFIT JAPAN Co., Ltd. 13.06 Billion JPY 73.039%
Seiryo Electric Corporation 18.48 Billion JPY 80.947%
IPS, Inc. 14.11 Billion JPY 75.046%
Accrete Inc. 5.43 Billion JPY 35.16%
Broad Enterprise Co.,Ltd. 3.95 Billion JPY 10.992%
JTOWER Inc. 11.51 Billion JPY 69.418%
Vision Inc. 31.8 Billion JPY 88.925%
WirelessGate, Inc. 8.48 Billion JPY 58.475%
NJ Holdings Inc. 9.69 Billion JPY 63.676%
Japan Communications Inc. 7.4 Billion JPY 52.4%
Crops Corporation 54.48 Billion JPY 93.535%
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation 13374.56 Billion JPY 99.974%
KDDI Corporation 5754.04 Billion JPY 99.939%
SoftBank Corp. 6084 Billion JPY 99.942%
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company 77.99 Billion JPY 95.483%
Forval Telecom,Inc. 23.11 Billion JPY 84.76%
SAKAI Holdings CO.,LTD 14.84 Billion JPY 76.276%
GMO Internet, Inc. 258.64 Billion JPY 98.638%
Fibergate Inc. 12.61 Billion JPY 72.071%
SoftBank Group Corp. 6756.5 Billion JPY 99.948%