PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk (VTNY.JK)

IDR 181.0


Operating Expenses Summary of PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk

  • PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk's latest annual operating expenses in 2023 was 58.12 Billion IDR , up 116.88% from previous year.
  • PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk's latest quarterly operating expenses in 2024 Q2 was 21.44 Billion IDR , up 20.62% from previous quarter.
  • PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk reported a annual operating expenses of 26.8 Billion IDR in annual operating expenses 2022, up 58.47% from previous year.
  • PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk reported a annual operating expenses of 16.91 Billion IDR in annual operating expenses 2021, down 0.0% from previous year.
  • PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk reported a quarterly operating expenses of 21.44 Billion IDR for 2024 Q2, up 20.62% from previous quarter.
  • PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk reported a quarterly operating expenses of 13.76 Billion IDR for 2023 Q4, down -12.93% from previous quarter.

Annual Operating Expenses Chart of PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk (2023 - 2021)

Historical Annual Operating Expenses of PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk (2023 - 2021)

Year Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Growth
2023 58.12 Billion IDR 116.88%
2022 26.8 Billion IDR 58.47%
2021 16.91 Billion IDR 0.0%

Peer Operating Expenses Comparison of PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk

Name Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Difference
PT Shield On Service Tbk 130.73 Billion IDR 55.54%
PT Telefast Indonesia Tbk 29.59 Billion IDR -96.39%