PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk (LUCK.JK)

IDR 61.0


Operating Expenses Summary of PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk

  • PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk's latest annual operating expenses in 2023 was 26.32 Billion IDR , down -3.45% from previous year.
  • PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk's latest quarterly operating expenses in 2024 Q3 was 4.71 Billion IDR , down -27.63% from previous quarter.
  • PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk reported a annual operating expenses of 27.26 Billion IDR in annual operating expenses 2022, up 30.36% from previous year.
  • PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk reported a annual operating expenses of 20.91 Billion IDR in annual operating expenses 2021, down -9.74% from previous year.
  • PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk reported a quarterly operating expenses of 4.71 Billion IDR for 2024 Q3, down -27.63% from previous quarter.
  • PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk reported a quarterly operating expenses of 5.84 Billion IDR for 2024 Q1, up 29.18% from previous quarter.

Annual Operating Expenses Chart of PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk (2023 - 2016)

Historical Annual Operating Expenses of PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk (2023 - 2016)

Year Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Growth
2023 26.32 Billion IDR -3.45%
2022 27.26 Billion IDR 30.36%
2021 20.91 Billion IDR -9.74%
2020 23.17 Billion IDR 9.18%
2019 21.22 Billion IDR 12.72%
2018 18.82 Billion IDR 46.41%
2017 12.85 Billion IDR -16.58%
2016 15.41 Billion IDR 0.0%

Peer Operating Expenses Comparison of PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk

Name Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Difference
PT Tera Data Indonusa Tbk 96.16 Billion IDR 72.627%
PT Zyrexindo Mandiri Buana Tbk 25.5 Billion IDR -3.203%