Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima (LOMA.BA)

ARS 2805.0


Operating Income Summary of Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima

  • Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima's latest annual operating income in 2023 was 62.63 Billion ARS , up 64.81% from previous year.
  • Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima's latest quarterly operating income in 2024 Q2 was 73.19 Billion ARS , down -35.85% from previous quarter.
  • Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima reported an annual operating income of 120.64 Billion ARS in 2022, up 6.78% from previous year.
  • Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima reported an annual operating income of 112.98 Billion ARS in 2021, up 286.73% from previous year.
  • Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima reported a quarterly operating income of 73.19 Billion ARS for 2024 Q2, down -35.85% from previous quarter.
  • Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima reported a quarterly operating income of 108.61 Billion ARS for 2023 Q4, up 170.98% from previous quarter.

Annual Operating Income Chart of Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima (2023 - 2019)

Historical Annual Operating Income of Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima (2023 - 2019)

Year Operating Income Operating Income Growth
2023 62.63 Billion ARS 64.81%
2022 120.64 Billion ARS 6.78%
2021 112.98 Billion ARS 286.73%
2020 29.21 Billion ARS 245.47%
2019 8.45 Billion ARS 0.0%

Peer Operating Income Comparison of Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima

Name Operating Income Operating Income Difference
Holcim (Argentina) S.A. 39.36 Billion ARS -59.118%