INR 15.0
Year | Net Debt | Net Debt Growth |
2023 | 7.92 Million INR | 1361.46% |
2022 | -628 Thousand INR | 92.57% |
2021 | -8.45 Million INR | -2401.48% |
2020 | -338 Thousand INR | -106.1% |
2019 | -164 Thousand INR | -70.83% |
2018 | -96 Thousand INR | 25.81% |
2017 | -129.39 Thousand INR | 60.94% |
2016 | -331.29 Thousand INR | -107.59% |
2015 | -159.59 Thousand INR | 84.11% |
2014 | -1 Million INR | 70.29% |
2013 | -3.38 Million INR | -1029.93% |
2012 | -299.16 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
Year | Net Debt | Net Debt Growth |
2024 Q1 | - INR | -100.0% |
2023 Q3 | 1.01 Million INR | 200.0% |
2023 Q2 | -1.01 Million INR | -262.1% |
2023 Q1 | 628 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2023 FY | 7.92 Million INR | 1361.46% |
2023 Q4 | 7.92 Million INR | 678.19% |
2022 Q1 | 8.45 Million INR | 200.0% |
2022 Q3 | 705 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2022 FY | -628 Thousand INR | 92.57% |
2022 Q4 | -628 Thousand INR | -189.08% |
2022 Q2 | -705 Thousand INR | -108.34% |
2021 Q1 | 338 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2021 Q3 | 79 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2021 Q2 | -79 Thousand INR | -123.37% |
2021 Q4 | -8.45 Million INR | -10802.53% |
2021 FY | -8.45 Million INR | -2401.48% |
2020 Q4 | -338 Thousand INR | -319.48% |
2020 FY | -338 Thousand INR | -106.1% |
2020 Q3 | 154 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2020 Q2 | -154 Thousand INR | -193.9% |
2020 Q1 | 164 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2019 Q2 | -138 Thousand INR | -243.75% |
2019 Q3 | 138 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2019 Q4 | -164 Thousand INR | -218.84% |
2019 FY | -164 Thousand INR | -70.83% |
2019 Q1 | 96 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2018 Q4 | -96 Thousand INR | -194.12% |
2018 Q3 | 102 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2018 Q2 | -102 Thousand INR | -118.51% |
2018 FY | -96 Thousand INR | 25.81% |
2018 Q1 | 551 Thousand INR | 525.82% |
2017 Q4 | -129.39 Thousand INR | -265.89% |
2017 Q3 | 78 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2017 Q2 | -78 Thousand INR | -123.54% |
2017 Q1 | 331.29 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2017 FY | -129.39 Thousand INR | 60.94% |
2016 Q2 | -87.01 Thousand INR | -154.52% |
2016 Q3 | 87.01 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2016 Q1 | 159.59 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2016 FY | -331.29 Thousand INR | -107.59% |
2016 Q4 | -331.29 Thousand INR | -480.73% |
2015 Q4 | -159.59 Thousand INR | -215.6% |
2015 FY | -159.59 Thousand INR | 84.11% |
2015 Q3 | 138.06 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2015 Q2 | -138.06 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
2014 Q1 | 3.52 Million INR | 204.31% |
2014 Q3 | 316.14 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2014 FY | -1 Million INR | 70.29% |
2014 Q2 | -316.14 Thousand INR | -108.97% |
2014 Q4 | -1 Million INR | -417.71% |
2013 Q3 | 39.4 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2013 Q2 | -39.4 Thousand INR | -113.17% |
2013 FY | -3.38 Million INR | -1029.93% |
2013 Q1 | 299.16 Thousand INR | 200.0% |
2013 Q4 | -3.38 Million INR | -8678.96% |
2012 Q4 | -299.16 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
2012 FY | -299.16 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
Name | Net Debt | Net Debt Difference |
Lakshmi Electrical Control Systems Limited | -38.98 Million INR | 120.319% |
Modison Limited | 304.72 Million INR | 97.4% |
Plaza Wires Limited | 76.98 Million INR | 89.709% |
RTS Power Corporation Limited | 329.08 Million INR | 97.593% |
Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited | 4.99 Billion INR | 99.841% |
SGN Telecoms Limited | 25.33 Million INR | 68.737% |
Shilchar Technologies Limited | -601.6 Million INR | 101.317% |
Sterlite Technologies Limited | 29.73 Billion INR | 99.973% |
Apar Industries Limited | -1.7 Billion INR | 100.465% |
V-Guard Industries Limited | 3.43 Billion INR | 99.77% |
Edvenswa Enterprises Limited | -122.61 Million INR | 106.461% |
Delton Cables Limited | 1.04 Billion INR | 99.243% |
Cybele Industries Ltd | 184.03 Million INR | 95.695% |
Epic Energy Limited | -1.32 Million INR | 699.697% |
Genus Power Infrastructures Limited | -825.05 Million INR | 100.96% |
Havells India Limited | -27.35 Billion INR | 100.029% |
KEI Industries Limited | -4.99 Billion INR | 100.158% |
B.C. Power Controls Limited | 7.91 Million INR | -0.126% |
Graphite India Limited | 1.07 Billion INR | 99.26% |
HPL Electric & Power Limited | 5.67 Billion INR | 99.86% |
Artemis Electricals and Projec | 121.52 Million INR | 93.481% |
Advance Metering Technology Limited | 120.65 Million INR | 93.434% |
Aplab Limited | 240.6 Million INR | 96.707% |
Mehai Technology Limited | 84.14 Million INR | 90.585% |
BONLON INDUSTRIES LIMITED | 299.78 Million INR | 97.357% |
Calcom Vision Limited | 412.19 Million INR | 98.078% |
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited | -8.36 Billion INR | 100.095% |
De Nora India Limited | -79.39 Million INR | 109.978% |
Elin Electronics Limited | -217.14 Million INR | 103.648% |
Eveready Industries India Limited | 2.98 Billion INR | 99.735% |
Exicom Tele-Systems Limited | -3.14 Billion INR | 100.252% |
G G Engineering Limited | 13.67 Million INR | 42.086% |
HBL Power Systems Limited | -1.67 Billion INR | 100.473% |
HEG Limited | 2.12 Billion INR | 99.627% |
Honeywell Automation India Limited | -27.63 Billion INR | 100.029% |
Hindusthan Urban Infrastructure Limited | 3.51 Billion INR | 99.775% |
Indo Tech Transformers Limited | -525.4 Million INR | 101.508% |
INTEGRA SWITCHGEAR LTD. | -16.36 Thousand INR | 48520.023% |
JSL Industries Limited | 31.12 Million INR | 74.545% |
Jyoti Limited | 2.1 Billion INR | 99.624% |
Kaycee Industries Limited | -38.28 Million INR | 120.69% |
Kkalpana Industries (India) Limited | 384.07 Million INR | 97.937% |
Marsons Limited | 87.52 Million INR | 90.948% |
N.D. Metal Industries Limited | 4.82 Million INR | -64.085% |
Indo National Limited | 1.08 Billion INR | 99.27% |
Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd. | -20.76 Million INR | 138.154% |
Panasonic Carbon India Co. Limited | -9.23 Million INR | 185.801% |
Polycab India Limited | -1.46 Billion INR | 100.542% |
Precision Wires India Limited | 222.94 Million INR | 96.447% |
Ram Ratna Wires Limited | 2.2 Billion INR | 99.64% |
RMC Switchgears Limited | 478.49 Million INR | 98.344% |
R R Kabel Limited | 2.61 Billion INR | 99.697% |
Sanathnagar Enterprises Limited | 139.48 Million INR | 94.321% |
Star Delta Transformers Limited | -64.73 Million INR | 112.238% |
The Standard Batteries Limited | -2.82 Million INR | 380.226% |
Switching Technologies Gunther Limited | 9.69 Million INR | 18.321% |
Ultracab (India) Limited | 481.23 Million INR | 98.354% |
Universal Cables Limited | 7.66 Billion INR | 99.897% |
Veto Switchgears and Cables Limited | 146.24 Million INR | 94.583% |
Voltamp Transformers Limited | -262.1 Million INR | 103.022% |
Aartech Solonics Limited | 18.6 Million INR | 57.418% |
Amara Raja Energy & Mobility Limited | 583.5 Million INR | 98.642% |
Hind Rectifiers Limited | 1.33 Billion INR | 99.407% |
Alfa Transformers Limited | 93.31 Million INR | 91.51% |
Finolex Cables Limited | -799.3 Million INR | 100.991% |
Cords Cable Industries Limited | 535.48 Million INR | 98.521% |
High Energy Batteries (India) Limited | 40.81 Million INR | 80.592% |
Bharat Bijlee Limited | -109 Million INR | 107.268% |
Cospower Engineering Limited | 193.28 Million INR | 95.901% |
Modern Insulators Limited | 107.4 Million INR | 92.624% |
Dhanashree Electronics Limited | - INR | -Infinity% |