INR 10.54
Year | Operating Expenses | Operating Expenses Growth |
2023 | 945 Thousand INR | -41.82% |
2022 | 1.62 Million INR | 4.83% |
2021 | 1.54 Million INR | -22.73% |
2020 | 2 Million INR | -13.95% |
2019 | 2.33 Million INR | -9.75% |
2018 | 2.58 Million INR | 15.49% |
2017 | 2.23 Million INR | -16.99% |
2016 | 2.69 Million INR | -1.87% |
2015 | 2.74 Million INR | 16.47% |
2014 | 2.35 Million INR | 22.95% |
2013 | 1.91 Million INR | 4.49% |
2012 | 1.83 Million INR | 21.6% |
2011 | 1.5 Million INR | 17.06% |
2010 | 1.28 Million INR | 57.9% |
2009 | 816.05 Thousand INR | -29.46% |
2008 | 1.15 Million INR | 380.81% |
2007 | -412 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
Year | Operating Expenses | Operating Expenses Growth |
2024 Q1 | 450 Thousand INR | 157.14% |
2023 Q4 | 175 Thousand INR | 4.17% |
2023 Q2 | 390 Thousand INR | -48.14% |
2023 FY | 945 Thousand INR | -41.82% |
2023 Q3 | 168 Thousand INR | -56.92% |
2023 Q1 | 752 Thousand INR | -44.6% |
2022 Q4 | 1.35 Million INR | 2089.24% |
2022 Q3 | 62 Thousand INR | -90.73% |
2022 Q1 | 669 Thousand INR | 64.18% |
2022 Q2 | 669 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
2022 FY | 1.62 Million INR | 4.83% |
2021 FY | 1.54 Million INR | -22.73% |
2021 Q1 | 430 Thousand INR | 147.13% |
2021 Q2 | 106 Thousand INR | -75.35% |
2021 Q3 | 209 Thousand INR | 97.17% |
2021 Q4 | 407.47 Thousand INR | 94.96% |
2020 FY | 2 Million INR | -13.95% |
2020 Q1 | 670 Thousand INR | 2159.76% |
2020 Q2 | 396 Thousand INR | -40.9% |
2020 Q3 | 474 Thousand INR | 19.7% |
2020 Q4 | 174 Thousand INR | -63.29% |
2019 Q4 | -32.52 Thousand INR | -107.84% |
2019 Q3 | 415 Thousand INR | -65.9% |
2019 Q1 | 731 Thousand INR | 10703.42% |
2019 FY | 2.33 Million INR | -9.75% |
2019 Q2 | 1.21 Million INR | 66.48% |
2018 Q3 | 718 Thousand INR | -40.76% |
2018 FY | 2.58 Million INR | 15.49% |
2018 Q4 | -6894.00 INR | -100.96% |
2018 Q2 | 1.21 Million INR | 83.92% |
2018 Q1 | 659 Thousand INR | -66.36% |
2017 Q3 | 526 Thousand INR | -52.05% |
2017 Q2 | 1.09 Million INR | 51.73% |
2017 Q1 | 723 Thousand INR | 99.72% |
2017 FY | 2.23 Million INR | -16.99% |
2017 Q4 | 1.95 Million INR | 272.43% |
2016 Q4 | 362 Thousand INR | -48.43% |
2016 Q1 | 95 Thousand INR | 165.07% |
2016 Q2 | 1.71 Million INR | 1708.42% |
2016 Q3 | 702 Thousand INR | -59.14% |
2016 FY | 2.69 Million INR | -1.87% |
2015 Q1 | 55 Thousand INR | -97.34% |
2015 Q4 | -146 Thousand INR | -102.78% |
2015 Q3 | -72 Thousand INR | -110.42% |
2015 Q2 | 691 Thousand INR | 1156.36% |
2015 FY | 2.74 Million INR | 16.47% |
2014 Q1 | -143 Thousand INR | -108.33% |
2014 Q4 | 2.06 Million INR | 1255.69% |
2014 Q3 | -179 Thousand INR | -130.39% |
2014 Q2 | 589 Thousand INR | 511.89% |
2014 FY | 2.35 Million INR | 22.95% |
2013 FY | 1.91 Million INR | 4.49% |
2013 Q1 | -51 Thousand INR | -102.42% |
2013 Q3 | 21 Thousand INR | -91.53% |
2013 Q4 | 1.71 Million INR | 8072.71% |
2013 Q2 | 248 Thousand INR | 586.27% |
2012 Q2 | -122 Thousand INR | 11.59% |
2012 Q4 | 2.11 Million INR | 12518.28% |
2012 Q3 | -17 Thousand INR | 86.07% |
2012 FY | 1.83 Million INR | 21.6% |
2012 Q1 | -138 Thousand INR | -106.22% |
2011 Q4 | 2.21 Million INR | 1069.19% |
2011 FY | 1.5 Million INR | 17.06% |
2011 Q3 | -229 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
2010 FY | 1.28 Million INR | 57.9% |
2009 FY | 816.05 Thousand INR | -29.46% |
2008 Q4 | -124 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
2008 FY | 1.15 Million INR | 380.81% |
2007 FY | -412 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
2007 Q4 | -222 Thousand INR | 0.0% |
Name | Operating Expenses | Operating Expenses Difference |
JPY/KMF | -7.98 Million INR | 111.841% |
Ace Men Engg Works Limited | 1.54 Million INR | 38.795% |
Aegis Logistics Limited | 2.52 Billion INR | 99.963% |
Chandrima Mercantiles Limited | 228 Thousand INR | -314.474% |
Computer Point Limited | 993 Thousand INR | 4.834% |
CONSTRONICS INFRA LIMITED | 1.89 Million INR | 50.0% |
CROPSTER AGRO LIMITED | 7.24 Million INR | 86.951% |
Decorous Investment and Trading Company Limited | 838 Thousand INR | -12.768% |
EFC (I) LIMITED | 292.74 Million INR | 99.677% |
Elegant Floriculture & Agrotech (India) Limited | 2.56 Million INR | 63.172% |
Ganon Products Limited | 3.12 Million INR | 69.712% |
Ishan Dyes & Chemicals Limited | 172.33 Million INR | 99.452% |
LLOYDS ENTERPRISES LIMITED | 1.01 Billion INR | 99.907% |
MARBLE CITY INDIA LIMITED | 70.26 Million INR | 98.655% |
Maximus International Limited | 54.63 Million INR | 98.27% |
MRC AGROTECH LIMITED | 6.64 Million INR | 85.787% |
Muller & Phipps (India) Limited | 12.25 Million INR | 92.291% |
Neeraj Paper Marketing Limited | 12.18 Million INR | 92.244% |
NIVAKA FASHIONS LIMITED | 6.27 Million INR | 84.94% |
Nanavati Ventures Limited | 2.13 Million INR | 55.8% |
Optimus Finance Limited | 121.61 Million INR | 99.223% |
Palco Metals Limited | 23.26 Million INR | 95.938% |
PANTH INFINITY LIMITED | 4.7 Million INR | 79.894% |
Parker Agrochem Exports Ltd. | 26.96 Million INR | 96.496% |
Patron Exim Limited | 3.66 Million INR | 74.216% |
PRADHIN LIMITED | 115 Thousand INR | -721.739% |
Raw Edge Industrial Solutions | 38.91 Million INR | 97.571% |
Roni Households Limited | 637 Thousand INR | -48.352% |
South Asian Enterprises Limited | 29.28 Million INR | 96.773% |
Sanblue Corporation Limited | 285 Thousand INR | -231.579% |
Sanmit Infra Limited | 17.75 Million INR | 94.676% |
Sicagen India Limited | 265.5 Million INR | 99.644% |
Simplex Papers Limited | -993.74 Thousand INR | 195.095% |
SRU Steels Limited | 3.97 Million INR | 76.196% |
Tai Industries Limited | 188.03 Million INR | 99.497% |
Amit International Limited | 1.78 Million INR | 46.919% |
Tavernier Resources Limited | 943 Thousand INR | -0.212% |
UTL Industries Limited | 320 Thousand INR | -195.313% |
Veritas (India) Limited | 162.69 Million INR | 99.419% |
Wardwizard Foods and Beverages | 134 Million INR | 99.295% |
WORLDWIDE ALUMINIUM LIMITED | 3.05 Million INR | 69.027% |
The Yamuna Syndicate Ltd | 7.4 Million INR | 87.233% |
P.M. Telelinnks Limited | 960 Thousand INR | 1.563% |
Rama Petrochemicals Limited | 533 Thousand INR | -77.298% |
YASH INNOVENTURES LIMITED | 3.62 Million INR | 73.953% |
AMBASSADOR INTRA HOLDINGS LIMI | 324 Thousand INR | -191.667% |
ABans Enterprises Limited | 54.42 Million INR | 98.264% |
Dhoot Industrial Finance Limited | 63.22 Million INR | 98.505% |
IFL Enterprises Limited | 1.75 Million INR | 46.092% |
MAFIA TRENDS LIMITED | 9.13 Million INR | 89.651% |
Mishka Exim Limited | 1.15 Million INR | 18.5% |
Naksh Precious Metals Limited | 964.03 Thousand INR | 1.975% |
Black Rose Industries Limited | 96.09 Million INR | 99.017% |
RO Jewels Limited | 2.14 Million INR | 55.903% |
Sunrise Efficient Marketing Li | 28.33 Million INR | 96.665% |
Enterprise International Limited | 2.49 Million INR | 62.075% |
Triveni Enterprises Limited | 3.1 Million INR | 69.598% |
Fraser and Company Limited | 1.75 Million INR | 46.149% |
VINTAGE COFFEE AND BEVERAGES L | 96.5 Million INR | 99.021% |
Pagaria Energy Limited | 1.18 Million INR | 20.051% |
Mysore Petro Chemicals Limited | 46.67 Million INR | 97.975% |
Parshva Enterprises Limited | 3.67 Million INR | 74.279% |
SAIANAND COMMERCIAL LIMITED | 1.61 Million INR | 41.414% |
Samor Reality Limited | 5.87 Million INR | 83.923% |
SWISS MILITARY CONSUMER GOODS | 211.17 Million INR | 99.553% |
T. Spiritual World Limited | 733 Thousand INR | -28.922% |
Voltaire Leasing & Finance Limited | 2.35 Million INR | 59.804% |
Aerpace Industries Limited | 3.31 Million INR | 71.467% |
Flora Corporation Limited | 20.77 Million INR | 95.45% |
Frontline Corporation Limited | 57.91 Million INR | 98.368% |
Hariyana Ship Breakers Limited | 23.69 Million INR | 96.012% |
IEL Limited | 4.99 Million INR | 81.073% |
Khazanchi Jewellers Limited | 20.06 Million INR | 95.289% |
KONNDOR INDUSTRIES LIMITED | 5.29 Million INR | 82.153% |
Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Limited | 33.84 Million INR | 97.207% |
MERCURY EV-TECH LIMITED | 19.5 Million INR | 95.155% |
Shankar Lal Rampal Dye-Chem Li | 69.95 Million INR | 98.649% |
Vaxfab Enterprises Limited | 10.41 Million INR | 90.929% |
Beekay Niryat Limited | 4.87 Million INR | 80.627% |
Alchemist Corporation Limited | 1.01 Million INR | 7.045% |
Padmanabh Industries Limited | 330.01 Thousand INR | -186.355% |
TCC CONCEPT LIMITED | 159.45 Million INR | 99.407% |
MetroGlobal Limited | 58.68 Million INR | 98.39% |
Tirupati Tyres Limited | 1.78 Million INR | 46.97% |
Sibar Auto Parts Limited | 41.14 Million INR | 97.703% |